Why you need a Computer training to get new jobs

Why you need a Computer training to get new jobs

Computer training? Really? We don’t need to make a post about this, do we? I mean, we are in the twenties (2021) where digital technology is not just a platform but also a limitless language for humans to create, communicate, and connect across diversities as we evolve into the 4th industrial revolution.

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Having a computer training becomes a necessity to be eligible for most job demands.

Not having a computer training should be a throwback idea we have of our grandpas or ancestors, not for a job seeker or any individual currently existing in the corporate labour market.

If you manage to land a job in the corporate sphere without basic knowledge of computing, it’s hard to believe you will be able to grow your career or climb the ladder.

By basic knowledge of computing, we mean knowing your way around office productivity programs like spreadsheets, presentations, or word processors, which will be fundamental to upgrade your skill-set or build more competence in a corporate world of digital complexities.

By computer training or literacy, we don’t mean you should be some tech guru or programming wizard, rather you shouldn’t lack the basics of being able to do simple tasks like emailing or processing files, which can bring ease to your work.

Jobs and Other Chances

To increase your chances in the labour market, you need to understand that employers or organizations lookout for prospects with computer trainings because it avails business with efficiency and speed.

We live in an era where corporations beyond doing the basics of their business such as production or service delivery have to also worry about PR or branding through social media; data collection and analysis through spreadsheet programs; designs and presentations.

Other Computing Needs

Even when you’ve got a job or obtain computer training to understand the simple basics of computing, you still need to consistently upgrade to retain relevance.

Part of the narratives of the 4th industrial revelation is the reality of AI (artificial intelligence) which means that as much as we introduce robotics into the workforce to take over jobs that ordinarily would be left to human, the only humans retained will be those able to manufacture, operate, or supervise the automation.

The Trend

One efficient software or mobile app can take away jobs from hundreds of people or restructure an entire industry to retain only those with the ability speak the digital language.

This is not to pitch artificial intelligence as a rival or competition to the human workforce; they are rather created to collaborate with and enhance our productivity, but it will most likely be a terrible experience for anyone who can’t communicate to and with technology at a productive level.

Despite whatever discipline or course of study, you trained in, your ability to express the functionalities of your field or specialty through digital technology will be very useful now and even in the future whether as a job seeker or a business owner.

This level of competence you can achieve through good computer training.

What do you think about our thoughts? What specialities of computing do you want us to highlight? Please use the comment section to give us your feedback. To start getting the latest updates on jobs and scholarship opportunities from this website, we encourage you to sign up through this link.

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