how getresponse can help you grow your business

6 Mind-blowing Ways to Grow your Business with Getresponse

Getresponse is an online marketing platform. Over the years, they have perfected the art of helping businesses grow and get visibility online. In this post you will learn about these Getresponse features, and how they can impact your business.

Among these features are Email marketing, Website builder, Autoresponders, Landing page builder, lead funnels, chats, and so much more.

Interestingly, all these features can be purchased as just a single software; and the user will continue to be seamless with our series of business tutorials.

With these features, Getresponse will put your business on the map online. Driving massive traffic to your website and helping you generate much money from sales, with a few clicks.

In this post, we will be picking some of the important tools and features that Getresponse has. We will be looking at each of these features and how they can help your business grow.

Related Post: 5 Proven Ways you Can Make Money Blogging

Getresponse homepage

Getresponse Features That Can Help Your Business Grow

Below are some Getresponse features and how they can help your business grow. You can read up on all their services Here

Getresponse email marketing

Email Marketing

The email marketing feature of Getresponse helps marketers send out timed emails to their leads. These emails can be personalized and have been shown to have a huge impact on sales. This is what Getresponse as a system actually started with and over the years they have mastered it.

With Getresponse, targeted emails can be sent to prospects that have a higher chance of purchasing your products. This is done in order to drive massive sales.

These emails can be edited with Getresponse’s drag and drop email editor. And the layout is what the biggest names in marketing use.

With Getresponse email marketing feature, you can reach a wider audience with your products and services via sending Bulk Emails. There are about 4.6 billion email users on the planet today. Which is a potentially large audience that Getresponse is ready to help you grab your share of.

For more about email marketing and why your business needs it, check out this blog post. 10 Valid Reasons Why Your Business Needs Email Marketing.

Getresponse email marketing feature has email creators, Autoresponders, email analytics, list management, the list goes on and on. With these tools,  Getresponse can help you compile a list of prospects, manage that list, give auto-response to emails (more on this later).

 Getresponse can track the success rate of the email you sent by whatever metric you used. And also give you ideas on how you can make the next email marketing campaign better with its analytics feature.

Getresponse website builder

Related Post: 5 Critical Reasons Why You Need Getresponse Pro Account

Website Builder

With the website builder feature of Getresponse, the platform is branching out into web hosting. Though the feature is not available for use at the time of writing this blog post. That however is due to change very soon and one can only ponder the possibilities that this will open to online marketers.

From the official statements made by Getresponse. We have been able to put together a little list of things that this website builder will be able to do. And how it can help your business once it is launched.

With Getresponse’s website builder, they aim to make even a layman able to create his own website. Just by a few clicks, zero codes, and no coding experience needed.

These sites will be built by AI whereby you enter your preferences and the platform ‘cooks’ up a website for you in minutes. However, Getresponse has made it in a way that you can either use their AI wizard or create the website yourself.

They are promising design freedom, already made website templates that you can tweak to your taste, and also full integration with their marketing features.

With all these features set to release with the feature, the future of marketing is truly limitless and people who will cash in on this opportunity will really make huge sales.

Getresponse autoresponders

Auto Responders

With Getresponse, you can set auto responders on any of the marketing emails you send out. How this works is that let’s say you want to push your marketing emails to the 1000 people in your email list, you know that this is near impossible, and that is where the autoresponder comes in.

You can create the first responder by configuring when the email will be sent to the subscriber of your list.

You can use autoresponders to greet new subscribers, by sending them a welcome email and links to the pages on your site. They need to go through all these pages to get acquainted with your business.

Once you’ve determined the subscribers’ schedule, you can now send more auto responders for marketing purposes.

With this feature, Getresponse can help your business grow by keeping your name on the minds of your prospects.

Autoresponders in itself is a great tool, but it will work so much better when paired with marketing automation (we will be tackling this shortly).

Getresponse landing page builder

Landing Pages

Getresponse can boast of having one of the best landing page builders of any marketing platform. With over 100 landing page templates for your marketing needs, you can build attention-grabbing landing pages to help with your online campaigns.

The main aim of landing pages is to either get the visitor to subscribe, i.e turning them into leads, or get them to buy your product outright.

Getresponse has created a system that can help you create these landing pages, build your online presence, grow your contact lists, sell your products, and spread the word about your webinars.

Even with their templates, you can create your own custom landing page with the drag and drop feature on the landing page creator. You also get analytics and feedback to see how your landing page is doing.

Follow this link to learn more about landing pages.

Getresponse marketing automation

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is where marketing with Getresponse gets juicy. Here you can create multiple autoresponders to create a drip-feed marketing campaign. This allows you to put the software to work as it automatically sends the emails to a segment in your list.

Getresponse can help your business with this. To do this, you need to create a workflow geared toward your goal.

While you have a choice to create the workflow by yourself, you can also choose from pre-made workflow templates in which Getresponse has made built-in elements available. 

What makes this tool so powerful is the conditional logic element. Since the goal of every marketing campaign is to make sales,  the conditional logic element creates personalized automated emails based on the actions of your viewers.

For example, let’s say you sent out a bulk email to 1000 people and 300 opened theirs, the job of the conditional logic element is to make sure that the 300 that opened theirs do not receive the same email as the 700 that did not open their emails.

This way, different strategies are applied and marketing materials are sent based on the reactions of the viewers to the previous materials.

Getresponse lead funnel creator

Lead funnels

Without a need to think of it, every business requires leads. As a business owner in this day and age, if you want your company to grow, you must ensure that new leads that convert into paying customers arrive on a regular basis.

However, the Getresponse conversion funnel (also known as an auto funnel) is an excellent tool for accomplishing this.

What is a lead? 

One thing that is very essential to every digital and online marketer is lead. Getresponse can help your business develop these leads.

Following extensive research, a lead could mean one of two things. First, a lead could be someone who approached you at an event, inquired about your product, and gave you their business card in order to schedule a new product.


A lead could be someone who has downloaded one of your eBooks in exchange for their email address.

Having defined what a lead is, we can move on to the next important term – lead quality.

What is lead quality?

Lead quality is a metric that lets you know how likely your prospects are to become paying customers.

However, let us now concentrate on how lead generation funnels can help you acquire more customers.

How does lead funnel work?

Lead funnels are typically made up of a few key components.

The most important is your page, also known as a landing page or a signup page

After providing their information, your users become leads. Now the next important thing is traffic

Among the most common methods for driving traffic to your landing or page are as follows:

  • Promoting the page through organic social media posts
  • Launching a paid advertising campaign on Facebook, Instagram, or Google Ads
  • Sending an email to your contact list, and posting the link to your blog
  • You must persuade visitors to your signup page to leave you their contact information in exchange for your offer, and the best way to do so is to provide something of great value in exchange for their email address; this is known as a lead magnet.
gGtresponse live webchat

Getresponse live chat

In some cases, a user contacts customer service via email or phone. However, each of these methods has significant drawbacks, and responses from company representatives can be frustrating at times – interestingly, there is a solution to such problems – Using Getresponse to promote a positive customer experience.

In the meantime, it is essential that we define live chat: Live chat is an online communication tool that allows a company, brand, or platform to provide instant support to existing customers, increase customer wants, and retain customers.

The advantages of using Getresponse for live chat support in your business

But how can our live chat support system specifically assist you in generating revenue and improving your customer experience?

Let’s take a look at 5 specific advantages of offering live chat support on your website.

Make it simple to collect customer information

Data collection from customers is an essential part of any business. Customer profiles are essential in developing a client base for use in all types of marketing strategies, such as email newsletters or promotions, and this is possible with Getresponse.

Capture leads that would otherwise go uncollected.

The ones who seek you out first will provide you with some of the highest quality leads you’ll ever receive as a business. And nothing beats getting a potential customer on live chat and inquiring about what your company can do for them.

You can start fostering your leads as soon as you receive them by using live chat and asking specific questions about what your client wants, or desires.

Customers’ support should be provided with a quick response time.

Every customer wants an immediate response to their problem, and effective email marketing customer service should take this very seriously in order to avoid a subscription cancellation, bad rating, or review. Getresponse can help your business by helping your customers get answers to their problems in time.

Reduce your website visitor’s bouncing rate.

Live chat is also an important solution to the bouncing rate, which is one of the most difficult challenges that any business owner will face on his website. However, live chat does exactly that.

Build long-term relationships with your clients. 

Customers will be relieved to know that if they require assistance, they can simply open a live chat screen and be connected to an expert. And that’s saying a lot. In a nutshell, being available to customers when they are most in need makes a huge difference.

Paid Ads

You’ll be able to supercharge your campaigns and drive more prospects to your website. Thi by using that one-two punch (organic and paid).

If you’ve successfully directed more prospects to your website, it’s only a matter of time before they become paying customers.

Would it not be great when you can just do a lot of social media posts and get tons of traffic to your website? It most definitely might. Those days, however, are no longer.

 You must now supplement your organic social media campaigns with paid social media campaigns.

Getresponse webinar builder


Setting up a webinar with GetResponse means creating a virtual conference that has the potential to reach millions of users all over the world.

Read More => How to Set Up a Webinar with Getresponse in 2 Minutes

A webinar is a direct replacement for a traditional seminar, implying that you can host a virtual conference that will reach prospects all over the world.

When you host a webinar with Getrespose, you can review the message details and choose whether to send the invitations immediately, schedule them with or without the Time Travel feature enabled, or send them using the Perfect Timing feature. Meeting with clients via this amazing feature is an excellent way to expand your business.


In conclusion, we have seen how Getresponse can help put your business on the map. You can get started with Getresponse and enjoy all the great features and services that they offer by clicking on the button below.

You can also learn how to sign up with Getresponse if any of the processes look confusing to you.

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