How much Digital Marketers are paid as Employees (Market Insight)

How much Digital Marketers are paid as Employees (Market Insight)

How much digital marketers are paid largely depend on key skills that are required for lucrative digital marketing jobs. The previous to guide has led to several questions from our Telegram Channel.

It is in that light that we made this brief research, to guide you as you negotiate your salaries with the new firm.

Aside from the obvious economic impacts of the recent pandemic, digital marketing is obviously the new home of many industries.

And according to our findings in the last publication, virtually every business needs digital relevance to scale through the new order of the global economy.

To learn what is best to pay a digital marketer, or what to expect as a digital marketer, we first explored a number of digital marketing career opportunities.

Career Opportunities Digital Marketing

There is a notion that anything well done speaks only for the man that does the job. Since one craves good jobs as a digital marketer, there is also a daring need to gain the required digital insights. 

There are lots of industrial spaces that take in Digital Marketers in dear numbers every year, and due to the recent pandemic, a lot more will be competed for. 

These job positions range from Social media marker/advertiser, Email Marketer, Web Content Creator/Developer, Data entry and management, etc.

There is no limit to the dimension of digital marketing with higher potentials of guaranteeing great job positions. 

In summative detail, let us go through a few of these career opportunities in the digital spaces, to help you map out an obtainable obligation and fulfilment in your career.

A digital marketing job is a very important category in the employee phases of every company in the world.

And according to WebFX (a global digital brand), a digital marketer can earn from $2500 to $12,000 monthly.

This is N900, 000 to N432, 000 as at the time of composing this article, in Nigeria.

However, it is dependent on several factors such as the size of the company, the nature of the business, and other work conditions.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

 $500 – $20,000+ per month

 Industry Core

 Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)         

 5-20% of monthly ad spend


 Email marketing

 $300 – $5,000/month or $0.1 – $0.5/email


 Social Media marketing

 $250 – $10,000/month


 Website Design / Blogging   

 $2,500 – $100k/month


We are not just looking at How to Survive the Post Covid-19 era, but a lucrative career with growth potential across several known industries.

READ ALSO: Skills Required for Lucrative Industrial Digital Marketing Jobs

Other Factors to Consider

While searching for How many digital marketers are paid as a new digital marketing expert in companies and other organizations, there are many things to put into consideration, owing to the growing competition.

But based on the guidelines prepared by the brand above, here are top factors:

Deliverables: It has become very vital to ascertain the true offerings of any company before considering a partnership.

There is nothing that is as hazardous as working for a company that is not clear about the products and services.

Price: As Jobseeker, it is paramount to learn the pricing skills required in the new marketplace, because most organizations don’t make their prices public.

This has led to application rejection that emanates from over-pricing.

If an agency does publish their prices online, make sure their website’s digital marketing prices align with your custom quote.

Methods: different companies have different approaches to doing things and it affects their entire marketing plans.

As a young digital marketer, you require a welcoming environment with work cultures that align with your personal goals and patterns.

How to Become a Digital Marketer 

In a very simple fact, the need for digital marketing jobs has been projected to increase in the next few years; so far digitalization keeps hitting various industries in the world.

From my previous experiences with digital marketing jobs in Nigeria, I’d learned comparatively, the impacts of combined professional advantages in digital marketing.

Just as it is paramount to acquire great digital marketing skills, it is also very important to earn a reasonable level of social proofs, for the sake of the job and your chances of influencing the brand(s) visibility.

Taking free and premium courses from reputable institutions as we share here at Jobreaders is also as good as being trained by an expert who understands your domestic constraints.

Meanwhile, to become a digital marketer (that is well paid), you have to play a key role by acquiring the needed skills for digital marketing job positions.

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