How to Become Licensed Journeyman Electrician in the USA

You might be searching for How to Become a licensed journey electrician in the USA. There are lots of steps you have to take to be licensed you must complete a rigorous course of education and training in the form of an apprenticeship consisting of between 500 and 1,000 classroom hours and between 8,000 and 10,000 hours (5-6  years) of supervised work experience and on-the-job training.

How do I become an electrician in USA?

In this section, I will be highlighting some steps you need to take in order to become a licensed Journeyman Electrician in the USA. Please follow all this process closely.

  • Meet the Minimum Requirements to Receive Training
  • Receive Training as an Electrician Apprentice
  • Become a Journeyman Electrician
  • Obtain a Master Electrician License
  • Obtain Experience as a Journeyman Electrician

How to meet the Minimum Requirements to Receive Training?

 There are professional ample training needed in order to be more aware of the technical aspect of construction practice.

However, there are several requirements that must be met before embarking on the training. As a trainee, you must be of 18 years of age, high school diploma, and passing an aptitude and substance abuse test.

Receive Training as an Electrician Apprentice

 After meeting all the listed requirement then you can start your training to become an electrician. Furthermore, your training is in two paths which range from 4-5years.

Become a Journeyman Electrician

Regardless of whether you entered an apprenticeship or attended a trade school, you will eventually become eligible to take the journeyman electrician test.

Before you can take this test, you must an apprenticeship of a trade school program and a work- hour quota.

The exciting path is when you pass this test you become a Journeyman electrician.

After becoming a Journeyman Electrician, you can legally work in residential, commercial, industrial and utility settings, either as an independent technician or as a contractor’s employee. 

How to Obtain Experience as a Journeyman Electrician?

Becoming a Master Electrician just after becoming a Journeyman is not possible, since there are work experience requirements before being eligible for the test.

However, Journeyman Electrician has many more options than apprentices with regards to their work, and their license gives them independence.

An Electrical Engineer may also be eligible for the Master Electrician test, depending on the type and amount of experience he or she has accumulated.

How to Obtain a Master Electrician License?

 Once you are a highly experienced Journeyman Electrician, you become eligible to take the Master Electrician test. Keep in mind, however, that there may be state-specific requirements to meet. 

Master Electricians can charge more for their services due to their experience and qualifications and are also allowed to become contractors, starting their own company, and hiring other electricians.

How Long Does It take to be certified?

Having read through the criteria and the procedures of being a Certified Journeyman Electrician in the USA, the first question on your mind might be how to get certified as a Journeyman electrician.

Here is the good news there are several Electrician schools in the USA that you can consider some of which are New York City College Technology, RewardJet, Borough of Manhattan Community College, Electrician School Education California.

Take for example the Electrician School Education in California once you are enrolled you will begin your journey as a trainee, then go on to earn your residential or general electrician license through the State of California Relations.

After these initial phases, you’ll become eligible for an electrical contractor license through the Contractors State Board (CSLB).

Why you should choose Journeyman electrician as a profession?

Here is the good news if you aspiring to pursue a career as Journeyman Electrician. According to research employment of electricians is projected to grow 8 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Homes and businesses continue to require wiring, and electricians will be needed to install the necessary components. Furthermore, you will enjoy a lot of benefits due to the fact that you can have control over your personal time due to the flexibility of the job.

How many electricians are in the US?

If a resident in the USA then you have lots of privileges to your advantages which ranges from good places to work and massive acceptance once you are licensed.

There are over 625,000 electricians employed in America, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected that there will be almost 715,000 by 2024.

Is being an electrician easy?

Just like every other profession is demanding being a Journeyman Electrician can be demanding but not impossible.

Your life will be full during your electrician apprenticeship. But it will not be any harder than learning other trades or getting a college degree.

In fact, for most people, an apprenticeship is easier than a 4-year college degree. Hands-on training is an optimum way to learn!

How stressful is being an electrician?

There might be a contrary opinion about an Electrician job but if you have your license then it gives you leverage to access better jobs and more flexibility on your time.

The job is above average in stress levels because of the work environment and the complexities of the job’s responsibilities. Each day, electricians get to work on new projects that require different problem-solving skills.

Is electrician a stable career?

Every career has its ups and downs, but one amazing thing about electrical work is relatively stable because homes and buildings always need electricity.

The BLS indicated a 20 percent projected growth rate in electrician jobs from 2012 to 2022, which compares favorably to the 11 percent projected growth for all occupations.

What is the career path for an electrician?

There is no static opinion about who can pursue a career path as an Electrician, but you can still make use of this information.

A high school diploma or equivalent is required to become an electrician. Most electricians learn their trade in a 4- or 5-year apprenticeship program.

For each year of the program, apprentices typically receive 2,000 hours of paid on-the-job training as well as some classroom instruction.

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