How to Publish a Blog Post on WordPress

How to Publish a Blog Post on WordPress ( To Rank and Sell)

Selling anything will be fun when you master how to publish a blog post on WordPress – this is if you intend to rank the front page of Search Engines, reach more audience to sell more. 

Whether you want to promote your products, public information, services, affiliate links, and so on; a blog post gives you the freedom to explain your topic.

Link to other previous pages, and also be able to integrate graphics (images) and videos as illustrative elements to pass your message.

To help learn these publishing strategies, let us start with what makes a blog post become better.

This process should continue right here, assuming that you already own a blog website.

If you don’t own a blog already, the guides below have the step-by-step procedures you can follow to set up a blog from scratch on the two best domain names and hosting companies in the world.

How to set up a Blog from Scratch using Bluehost 

How to set up a Blog from Scratch using Namecheap 

Do you want to learn how to build a blog from scratch? Then use this link to start your blogging journey with our experts.  

Bluehost is one of the most used for its top-notch WordPress Hosting plans with great support. If you are on a budget, Namecheap happens to be another great alternative with 24/7 support.

Quick guide on how to publish a blog post:

  • Chose a great topic and title
  • create a captivating meta description and introduction
  • Break down into subheadings
  • Link internally and externally
  • Go with great CTA
  • Properly choose category and tags
  • Optimize for SEO
  • Add featured image
  • Promote your blog link

Choose a great topic and title

Choosing a blog topic is one critical aspect of planning for a blog. 

At the blog post publishing level, it is still very important that you chose the right topic that your audience needs. 

You can also use this link to learn how to research for a blog topic or the topic below:

Keyword Analysis with Semrush: How to Discover Lucrative Blog Topics  

After selecting the right blog post you will proceed with researching and writing to cover the topic needs that will help your audience get the answer to their questions. 

Create a captivating meta description

When people search for topics related to your blog post, they are supposed to find you on Google and other search engine pages.

Search engines, on the other hand, generate snippets from your blog post – this is what potential readers see.

A clear title is one step to announce your content, but another step is to write a great introduction.

The blog post introduction is in two phases; one is the meta description of the few links under your tile.

Google and some other search Engine truncate snippets to 155–160 words.

This reason is why your meta description should not be the only introduction to the blog post.

Ensure that the first 150 (the meta description) highlights all the value that readers are supposed to get from the topic.

The rest part of the introduction may not appear on Search Engine as the description when people search but will act as part of the Transition that will keep readers going.

Here is a meta sample:

Break down into subheadings 

It is important to improve the readability of your blog posts in mobile and desktop systems

To achieve this, you’ll have to break down your topics into headlines. 

These headlines as well should have a few paragraphs that will make your information easy to grasp. 

When you break down blog posts into subheadings, it will be easier to make your findings and create a value-packed blog post. 

A well-structured blog post with subheadings will be easy to read and more engaging – readers will be able to get what they want.

Link Properly 

Before you publish a blog post on WordPress or via any platform, know that Internal linking is the linking that helps you redirect readers to your previous posts. 

External linking is the linking that helps you redirect readers outside your website. This method of linking is similar to the reference we add to professional writings. 

Linking, as a reference, is when you point readers to other blog posts that explains more on a topic.

Even though many bloggers frown at this method, it is the professional way of portraying your platform as an authority.

On the other hand, it is a great way to reach out to more people in your industry who may love to share your content.

People love it when you acknowledge them, and when you link to them, you create this room for a relationship.

Linking to your already existing blog helps your blog in various ways:

  • It helps you improve navigation
  • Get people to stay more on your blog (By reading other topics)
  • Helps SEO – makes your site more visible when people search online
  • Changes the way readers see your work – you give unending values

How do I go about this?

Simply highlight the text where you want to place the link – a toolbox will appear; select the link icon.

In this case, I want to link our affiliate Marketing guides to the anchor text, affiliate link. Anchor text is the word or words that have the link.

Now, paste the link.

The method here is if you’re editing with the WordPress editor. You can as well add your link from text editing software such as Microsoft Word.

Go with great Call to Action (CTA)

A call to action (CTA) is a statement you make to get an immediate response from the person reading or hearing it.

In the case of writing a blog post, a CTA should appear obvious and captivating enough.

Without a great CTA, your readers may not be taking the next step in your sales process—whether that’s buying or simply requesting more information—the problem could be a faulty or non-existent call to action.

Chose the Category and tags

One of the first things you must do is to create categories and tags for your entire website.

Having categories and subcategories that cover all your content is ideal. This method is used to filter and place all contents you publish in related forms.  

For instance, is a multicarrier website that dish out content for readers in different fields and needs.

Before we publish a blog post, we ensure readers get everything related from single pages and categorize for instance:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Scholarships
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Ranking
  • Job opportunities
  • Schools in the world etc.

With over 20 categories in our blog, all our contents are arranged in a way that will make it easier for users to read and also further their research on similar topics.

Under any of the categories, you can create subcategories. An example is Digital marketing. Under the ‘Digital marketing’ category on our blog, we have Affiliate marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing and so on)

Another important aspect of this filtering is the use of TAGs. With tags, you can further arrange the work into specific brands, information, location, topic and so on.

For instance, under our Affiliate Marketing (which is a subcategory here), we have other posts arranged with tags like:

Getresponse (which is an email marketing platform)

Google Analytics (which is an analytic software) and so on.

We use a category to break down niches into smaller units and then use tags to break down those units into more specific aspects.

Optimize your blog post 

Optimization in the process of publishing your blog post implies all the processes that will help search Engines automatically consider your post for indexing. 

When your post is properly indexed and make them available online.

First, you need to start from your titling – ensure that it is catchy enough and aligns with what people need.

Secondly, and one of the important tips is to use a short URL for your slug – you can see the image below. We even prefer using our primary keywords as a slog for all the blog posts.

Third, repeat the primary key phrase and other related keywords in the body of the work – it should be evenly distributed.

Recommendation: The SEO plugin that helps us analyze our blog posts’ SEO status is SEO by Yoast. You can download and install the free or premium version of the WordPress Plugin to help you further optimize your blog post as you write.

Observe the readability suggestions and also look at the SEO suggestions that the box present.

Add a good featured image

Your blog post will never be complete without a featured image. 

The features image of your blog is the 1200 x 630 Pixel image that you add to the featured image box. 

For instance, it is this image that will appear as a thumbnail when people share the post on social media. 

So, it is important that you know why one featured image is important to the look of the post you are about to publish.

According to WP Beginners, Blog featured images help you make your blog pages look more appealing

They also help you build user engagement and increase page views. 

Search engines and social media websites may also use these images and display them in search results and social media newsfeed

Promote your blog link

Writing without sharing it to reach more readers is more like a wink in the dark.

You can consider it a wasted effort when you create amazing blog posts from your WordPress website and end up not sharing.

So first, when you publish the blog post you will have to copy the URL that is generated.

This URL means the unique address with which people can access the blog post on their mobile or desktop browsers.


To Publish a Blog Post; I mean a great blog post you will need to adhere to almost all the outlines and formulas that we share here.

It is when you get the right of this method that you will stand a better chance of convincing your readers that you know what you write.

It will also help search engines such as Google, to properly index your work and make them available when people search online.

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