Proven Secrets to Achieving Very High CGPA in Schools

12 Proven CGPA Hacks | Getting Started with Calculating GPA

Attaining a higher CGPA is contingent upon maintaining a robust GPA. To understand how to calculate the GPA contributing to your CGPA, it is essential to grasp both terms. This guide aims to furnish a comprehensive understanding of CGPA and GPA, guiding you through the intricacies of what constitutes commendable academic performance in both metrics.

Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of sustaining a favorable GPA and, consequently, achieving a higher CGPA.

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What is CGPA?

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a measure of a student’s overall academic performance over a specific period, typically an entire academic program or a set of courses. CGPA is calculated by assigning grade points to the grades obtained in each course and then averaging these grade points.

Here’s a general overview of how CGPA is calculated:

  1. Assigning Grade Points:
    • Each letter grade (A, B, C, etc.) is assigned a corresponding grade point. The scale may vary, but commonly used scales include:
      • A: 4.0
      • B: 3.0
      • C: 2.0
      • D: 1.0
      • F: 0.0
  2. Calculating Grade Points Earned:
    • For each course, multiply the grade points assigned to the grade by the credit hours of the course.
    • Example: If you earned a grade of A (4.0) in a 3-credit course, you would have earned 12 grade points for that course.
  3. Calculating Total Grade Points:
    • Sum up the grade points earned for all courses.
  4. Calculating CGPA:
    • Divide the total grade points earned by the total credit hours completed.
    • CGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credit Hours

Types of Grading Systems (GPA and CGPA)

The resulting CGPA provides a comprehensive measure of a student’s academic achievement, taking into account the grades and credit hours across multiple courses. It is commonly used in educational institutions around the world as a standardized metric for evaluating and comparing students’ overall performance.

The Grade Point Average (GPA) serves as a standardized metric for evaluating academic performance. Various GPA grading systems are employed globally, exhibiting distinctions based on the country of operation, the educational institution, or specific program requirements. The following delineates prevalent types:

4.0 Scale (United States):

In the United States, the widely adopted 4.0 GPA scale correlates letter grades with numerical values, such as A: 4.0, B: 3.0, C: 2.0, D: 1.0, and F: 0.0. The GPA is determined by calculating the average of these assigned values.

Percentage System:

Certain countries opt for a percentage system, where grades are allotted according to the percentage of correct answers or performance in exams. For instance, 90-100 corresponds to an A, 80-89 to a B, and so forth.

Letter Grades (Canada):

In Canada, a letter grade system prevails, associating grades like A+: 4.3, A: 4.0, A-: 3.7, and so forth, with numerical equivalents for GPA computation. It is pertinent to acknowledge potential variations in assigned values across institutions.

10-Point Scale (India):

India employs a 10-point grading scale, where grades like A1: 10, A2: 9, B1: 8, and so on, correspond to specific points. This system is commonly used in the Indian educational landscape.

20-Point Scale (Germany):

Germany utilizes a 20-point grading scale, wherein 1.0 signifies ‘Very Good,’ 2.0 denotes ‘Good,’ and 5.0 indicates ‘Fail.’ The scale delineates a spectrum of achievements, with 1.0 representing the highest tier.

National Qualifications Framework (South Africa):

South Africa adopts the National Qualifications Framework, categorizing achievements into levels such as Level 7 for ‘Outstanding Achievement,’ Level 6 for ‘Meritorious Achievement,’ and Level 5 for ‘Substantial Achievement.’

Japanese Grading System:

Japan employs a grading system featuring letter grades, with ‘S’ denoting ‘Superior,’ ‘A’ representing ‘Excellent,’ and ‘F’ signifying ‘Fail.’ This system encompasses a qualitative assessment of performance.

It is imperative to recognize that these examples are illustrative, and discrepancies may exist within countries or institutions. To ensure accurate GPA calculation, always refer to the specific grading scale provided by your educational institution.

Importance of Higher CGPA

We subscribe to the school of thought that getting a high grade in the university is not all you need for a great career. However, it is also noteworthy to highlihgt a number of advantages that comes with being academically distinguished.

Yes, GPA (Grade Point Average) is important for several reasons:

  1. Academic Performance:
    • GPA reflects your overall academic performance and understanding of course material.
    • It serves as a quantitative measure of your achievements in different subjects.
  2. College Admissions:
    • Many colleges and universities consider GPA as a crucial factor in the admissions process.
    • A higher GPA often increases your chances of gaining admission to competitive institutions.
  3. Scholarship Eligibility:
    • GPA is a common criterion for eligibility when applying for scholarships.
    • Higher GPAs may qualify you for a wider range of scholarship opportunities.
  4. Employability:
    • Some employers use GPA as a screening tool during the hiring process.
    • A strong GPA can enhance your resume and demonstrate your commitment to academic excellence.
  5. Graduate School Applications:
    • When applying to graduate programs, a competitive GPA is often a prerequisite.
    • Certain programs may have minimum GPA requirements for admission.
  6. Internships and Co-op Opportunities:
    • Certain internships and cooperative education programs may consider GPA when selecting candidates.
    • A higher GPA can make you a more attractive candidate for these opportunities.
  7. Academic Honors and Recognition:
    • Achieving a high GPA can lead to academic honors and recognition, such as dean’s list or academic awards.
  8. Self-discipline and Work Ethic:
    • Maintaining a solid GPA requires discipline, time management, and consistent effort.
    • Employers often view a strong GPA as an indicator of these valuable skills.

While GPA is important, it is not the sole factor that defines your capabilities or future success. Other factors, such as extracurricular activities, leadership experiences, and practical skills, also contribute to a well-rounded profile. Balancing academic achievement with personal development is key to a comprehensive and successful educational journey.

Note: The Calculation Examples Provided in This Work Are Based on the GPA Calculation Methodology Prevalent in the United States. Therefore, It is Advisable to Utilize the Applicable Calculation Method in Your Respective School, State, and Country.


GPA (Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) are both measures of academic performance, but they differ in terms of scope and calculation:

  1. Scope:
    • GPA (Grade Point Average): Typically refers to the average of grades earned in a single semester or academic term.
    • CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average): Encompasses the average of grades earned over an entire academic program or a specified set of courses.
  2. Calculation:
    • GPA: Calculated by assigning grade points to the grades obtained in individual courses within a specific term and then averaging these grade points.
    • CGPA: Calculated by considering the cumulative grade points earned over multiple terms or the entire academic program, divided by the total credit hours completed.
  3. Frequency:
    • GPA: Calculated for each specific term or semester.
    • CGPA: Reflects the overall performance across multiple terms or the entire duration of the academic program.
  4. Use:
    • GPA: Provides a snapshot of performance in a particular term and may be used for immediate academic evaluation.
    • CGPA: Offers a comprehensive assessment of academic achievement over the entire academic journey and is often used for long-term evaluations, such as graduation requirements.
  5. Weighting:
    • GPA: Considers the grades and credit hours for courses taken in a specific term.
    • CGPA: Takes into account grades and credit hours across all terms, providing a more holistic view of academic progress.

In summary, GPA is a term-specific measure, while CGPA provides an overall assessment of academic performance throughout an academic program. Both are valuable tools for evaluating a student’s success in their studies, with GPA offering insights into short-term performance and CGPA offering a broader perspective.


How do I calculate my CGPA?

Calculating your CGPA involves computing both the Overall CGPA and Term GPA. The process entails summing up the grade points earned and dividing it by the total credit value of courses.

This mathematical formula provides a numerical representation of your academic performance, considering the grades obtained across multiple terms or your entire academic journey. The Overall CGPA reflects your cumulative performance, offering a comprehensive measure of your achievements over the duration of your studies.

Can I increase my CGPA in my final year?

Yes, you can increase your CGPA in your final year but here is the real instance; improving your CGPA from 3.4 to 3.8 in your final year is an ambitious goal, but with strategic efforts, it can be attainable.

Begin by creating a comprehensive study plan that allocates dedicated time for studying and completing assignments. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and focus on strengthening your understanding of challenging subjects.

What is the best GPA calculators?

Here are 6 best CGPA or GPA calculators you can start using; with links their platforms:

  1. College GPA Calculator:
  2. RapidTables GPA Calculator:
  3. Gradepoint GPA Calculator:
  4. Calculator Soup GPA Calculator:
  5. Back2College GPA Calculator:
  6. EasyCalculation GPA Calculator:

Please note that the accuracy of these calculators may depend on the grading scale and policies specific to your educational institution. Always verify with your school’s official guidelines to ensure precision in GPA calculations.

Editorial Picks for you:

What is GPA to study in Canada?

A GPA of 3.0 is commonly required for admission to Canadian bachelor’s degree programs and various other programs in most Canadian schools. This criterion underscores the academic expectations for prospective students. To be eligible, applicants typically need to have graduated or be on track to graduate from a recognized senior secondary school program.

The minimum GPA requirement of 3.0, or its equivalent, serves as a standard for assessing the academic qualifications of applicants seeking admission to educational institutions in Canada.

What is a good GPA?

commendable GPA (Grade Point Average) is typically within the range of 3.5 to 4.0 on a 4.0 scale. However, the classification of what qualifies as a “good” GPA is subject to variations based on individual circumstances, academic institutions, and the competitive landscape of the field.

As a general guideline:

  • 3.5 to 4.0: Excellent
  • 3.0 to 3.4: Good
  • 2.5 to 2.9: Fair
  • Below 2.5: Below Average

In competitive academic settings or specific programs, a higher GPA may be imperative for admission or to distinguish oneself among applicants. It is crucial to consider the precise requirements of the institution or program of interest.

While GPA is a pivotal factor, it does not singularly determine a student’s abilities or potential for success. Additional elements such as extracurricular activities, leadership, and pertinent experience contribute to forming a comprehensive and well-rounded profile.

Note: A strong GPA at the university level mirrors a strong GPA achieved in high school and throughout any academic discipline.

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Let us answer some questions that students are asking globally, about grading systems and how to score higher CGPA and GPA in their various schools:

What are the GPA grading systems?

Here are the existing grading systems:

Grading SystemRepresentation in the United States
4.0 Scale (United States):A: 4.0, B: 3.0, C: 2.0, D: 1.0, F: 0.0
Percentage System:90-100: A, 80-89: B, 70-79: C, 60-69: D, Below 60: F
Letter Grades (Canada):A+: 4.3, A: 4.0, A-: 3.7, B+: 3.3, B: 3.0, B-: 2.7, and so on.
10-Point Scale (India):A1: 10, A2: 9, B1: 8, B2: 7, C1: 6, C2: 5, D: 4, E: 3, F: 0
20-Point Scale (Germany):1.0: Very Good, 2.0: Good, 3.0: Satisfactory, 4.0: Sufficient, 5.0: Fail
National Qualifications Framework (South Africa):Level 7: Outstanding Achievement, Level 6: Meritorious Achievement, Level 5: Substantial Achievement, and so on.
Japanese Grading System:S: Superior, A: Excellent, B: Good, C: Fair, F: Fail
NB: This table provides a concise representation of the grading systems and their corresponding values as outlined in the United States, as designed by Jobreaders.

How many GPA levels are there?

In the United States, the grade point average (GPA) is typically calculated on a scale ranging from 0 to 4. The scale corresponds to letter grades, where four is the highest GPA achievable, representing an A grade, and 0 corresponds to the lowest GPA, aligning with an F grade. The GPA levels on this scale provide a comprehensive measure of academic performance.

How GPA is calculated?

Here are 2 simple ways to calculate GPA:

  1. In the United States, GPA is calculated on a 0 to 4 scale, where 4 corresponds to an A grade and 0 to an F grade. Various methods exist, as elaborated in this detailed blog post. The calculation involves summing credit hours attempted and corresponding grade points earned. For example, multiplying credit hours by assigned grade points results in total grade points.
  2. Dividing this by overall credit hours yields the GPA, with the formula: GPA X Hours = Grade Points, and Grade Points / Attempted Hours = GPA. This process provides a quantitative assessment of academic performance.

What is an example of a GPA?

As an illustration of GPA calculation, consider taking a four-unit course with an ‘A’ grade (4.0 points) and another four-unit course with an ‘NP’ grade (0.0 points). The resulting GPA would be 2.0, not 4.0.

Specifically, the computation involves multiplying the grade (e.g., A with 4.0) by the units for each course (e.g., 4 units), yielding the respective grade points (e.g., 16 grade points for an A). This distinction emphasizes the impact of different grades on the overall GPA calculation.

How is GPA measured in university?

In the university, here is how you measure and know you GPA or CGPA; determine your cumulative grade points by summing the individual grade points. Calculate your GPA by dividing the total grade points achieved by the total credits attempted.

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