Here is the youth forward scholarship 2023; and everything prospective candidates need to enter the $3000 worth of youth forward scholarship/essay competition.
The Youth Forward Scholarship is an annual scholarship worth $3,000. It awards high school students, juniors, seniors, and freshmen in college. The award is after an essay written on a particular topic chosen by the National Driving and Traffic school.
The National Driving and Traffic school is a reputed online provider of driver’s education from California. This company has met the requirements of the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
They encourage youths and students by supporting them monetarily in their academics through the Youth forward scholarship. The scholarship is one channel where they give to society.
Description of the youth forward scholarship 2023
An essay is majorly submitted as a determinant of winning the scholarship. The theme of this year’s scholarship is tagged; in the driver’s seat. It is especially to address the concerns of being on the engine.
This is due to the high rate of individual death recorded from careless driving. About 34,000 persons on the average die yearly on this issue, and it is something worth addressing and proffering solutions for.
A comparison is being done on the number of deaths resulting from careless driving and the deaths of individuals in wars. This brought a shocking revelation, as the number of individual deaths was more due to driving.
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Most drivers are in the dark concerning these facts. This state, which they find themselves is also a contributing factor to their negligence on the road.
The entry for this year’s scholarship seeks to tackle these concerns. Creating an awareness of the importance of being educated about driving ethics.
What is the number of awardees of the Youth Forward Scholarship?
Just six students are awarded the scholarship on merit level. This is after the submission of their entry on the necessity and advantage of being a safe and educated driver.
An editorial format is utilized to process the request. The entry shouldn’t be more than 500 words but can be less in Microsoft Word Format. And, very comprehensive.
Here is a guide that might help you write for this scholarship: Your essays do not have to be lengthy to relay a message. It can be short but comprehensive. It requires articulateness. To stand a chance of winning, be serious, and give your entry the possible best.
Outlined questions to be answered in the entry submission of the Youth Forward Scholarship
To hit the nail on the head or make your essay detailed, these are outlines you should consider while compiling your essay. Though not all, a guide to how the essay should be structured.
- What is the importance of training to drivers and their effect on the issue of reducing deaths due to driving?
- Possible measures to adopt to reduce deaths caused during driving
- Direct or indirect experiences of car accidents resulting from careless driving.
- Measures to adopt in becoming a better driver and tips that can be used to encourage to encourage other drivers.
- Effect of careless driving.
Level/discipline of Study
Most scholarships are sometimes discipline inclined or level limited. This may be due to the niche a particular firm focuses on. So many factors can inform their decision.
The youth forward scholarship 2023 is excluded here as it is open to varying disciplines of study. Also, it is limited to high school or college students.
Host Nationality
The youth forward scholarship is applied for in California and the United States of America.
Eligible Nationality
The youth forward scholarship is limited to high school or college students who are citizens of the United States of America only. Also, international students to the US having a permanent residence permit are eligible to apply.
How much is the youth forward scholarship worth?
The total worth of this scholarship is $3,000. This is usually shared amongst the six students who are selected as winners. Each winner is entitled to $500.
Requirements of the youth forward scholarship
These are criteria that must be met to determine eligibility for this scholarship;
- Firstly, all applicants must be a high school or college student. Please note that parents or employees of the National Driving and Traffic school are not eligible.
- All applicants must submit an entry of the theme before the deadline to be qualified for the award.
- Applicants should submit a photo of him or herself together with the entry.
- If an applicant wins, he or she would be required to submit proof of acceptance into the respective institution of study.
How is the payment made for winners of the scholarship?
The youth forward scholarship host makes direct payment of the award to the winner’s university of study.
Submission Details
Applicants must be currently enrolled in either High School, University or College. Employees and relatives of National Driving and Traffic School are ineligible. There will be three contest submission dates. To be eligible for the contest submit your essay by one of the submission dates.
- Round 1: January 3rd 2023 – March 31st
Winners: Announced May 3rd - Round 2: Accepting entries May 3rd – August 1st.
Announced September 1st - Round 3: Accepting entries September 1st – November 30th.
Announced 1/1/24
Apply for the youth forward scholarship
Arriving at this point shows your interest in the scholarship. Do well to read carefully, so as not to miss any point as you could be disqualified.
- A form is available to be filled on the scholarship website. All relevant fields should be entered. And, most importantly submit the themed entry. This must be written well as it is the major determinant of the winner.
- During submission, the applicant should submit a personal picture.
In case you want to contact for more information, these are channels to reach them;
Phone number: (510) 848-5508
Email: [email protected]
Address: 64 Shattuck Square, Suite 285, Berkeley, CA 94704
How are winners picked for the youth forward scholarship application?
As was stated earlier, essays are submitted online and shouldn’t exceed the 500 words limit. This would be published on the website with your picture for votes.
Your essay is submitted to public opinions, this is why you must give your best in writing it and also staff opinion.
In a nutshell, two winners are selected in each round. The essay with the highest vote and favorite of the staff body.
Also, previous winners are not encouraged to reapply.