10 Proven Ways to Find Remote Jobs in Kenya (Full Guide)

Getting these paying remote jobs in Kenya is considered profitable in that it opens up access to a global job market with competitive salaries, offers flexibility and better work-life balance, reduces commuting costs, and allows for living in more affordable areas.

It also enhances skill development, provides job security by diversifying income sources, and allows for building a global professional network.

With the right technical setup and continuous skill improvement, Kenyans or anyone who desire to work remotely in this region can effectively transition to remote work and enjoy increased personal and professional satisfaction.

Before we dive into learning about these available Remote Jobs in Kenya, let us understand what the career entails, including a definition.

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What is Remote Job?

A remote job is a position that allows you to work from a location outside of a traditional office, typically from home or another preferred setting, using digital tools and communication technologies to perform tasks and collaborate with colleagues.

Remote jobs allow you to work from anywhere, providing flexibility, better work-life balance, and access to global opportunities while saving on commuting costs.

They require strong self-discipline, effective communication, and a reliable internet connection. To find remote jobs, identify your skills, create a strong online presence, and use platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and LinkedIn. Tailor your applications, network with professionals, and set up a dedicated workspace.

In a broader form, let us now look at some of the few steps that will help you land paying Remote Jobs in Kenya.

How to Find Remote Jobs in Kenya

Here are steps you can take to discover get the right remotes job in Kenya:

1. Identify Your Skills and Interests

  • Assess Your Skills: Make a list of what you’re good at. This could be anything from writing, graphic design, programming, customer service, marketing, etc. If you’re unsure, think about what you enjoy doing and what you’ve received praise for in the past.
  • Certifications and Training: Consider taking online courses to get certifications. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses on various subjects. Certifications can make your resume stand out to employers.

2. Create a Strong Online Presence

  • LinkedIn Profile: LinkedIn is like Facebook for professionals. Create a profile, upload a professional photo, list your work experiences, education, and skills. Connect with people you know and join groups related to your industry.
  • Personal Website/Portfolio: If your work is visual (like design, photography, writing), create a simple website to showcase your work. Websites like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace offer easy-to-use templates.

3. Search for Remote Job Listings

  • Remote Job Boards: These are websites where companies post jobs specifically for remote workers. Examples include:
    • Remote.co: Jobs in various fields like marketing, IT, customer service.
    • We Work Remotely: Offers a wide range of remote job opportunities.
    • FlexJobs: A subscription service that lists vetted remote jobs.
    • Remote OK: Another popular site for finding remote work.
    • Jobspresso: Curated remote job listings.
    • Remotive: Focuses on tech and digital jobs.
  • Freelance Platforms: Websites where freelancers (independent workers) can find short-term or long-term projects.
    • Upwork: Large platform for all types of freelance work.
    • Freelancer: Similar to Upwork, with various job categories.
    • Fiverr: Offers gigs starting at $5; good for creative and digital services.
    • Toptal: High-end freelance platform for top developers, designers, and finance experts.

4. Network and Join Communities

  • Professional Networks: Join LinkedIn groups related to your industry and participate in discussions.
  • Local and Global Communities: Look for Slack groups, Facebook groups, or online forums where remote workers share tips and job leads.

5. Tailor Your Applications

  • Resume and Cover Letter: Customize your resume and cover letter for each job application. Highlight the skills and experiences that match the job description. There are templates online that can help you get started.
  • Follow Up: After submitting an application, send a polite follow-up email to the hiring manager expressing your interest in the position.

6. Prepare for Remote Work

  • Workspace Setup: Find a quiet place in your home to work. Make sure you have a good internet connection, a comfortable chair, and a desk.
  • Time Management Skills: Learn to manage your time effectively. Create a daily schedule and set goals for what you need to accomplish each day.

7. Consider Remote-Friendly Companies

  • Global Companies Hiring Remotely: Research companies known for hiring remote workers. Examples include:
    • Automattic: The company behind WordPress.
    • GitLab: An open-source software company.
    • Zapier: A tool that connects different apps and automates workflows.
    • Buffer: A social media management platform.
  • Local Companies Offering Remote Work: Look for Kenyan companies that allow remote work. Use local job boards and networking events to find these opportunities.

8. Utilize Social Media

  • Twitter: Follow hashtags like #remotejobs, #remotework, and #digitalnomad to see job postings and advice.
  • Facebook Groups: Join groups focused on remote work and digital nomad lifestyles. Participate in discussions and look for job postings.

9. Continuous Learning

  • Skill Development: Regularly update your skills by taking online courses. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer many courses that you can take at your own pace.
  • Stay Updated: Follow industry blogs, podcasts, and news sites to stay current with trends in your field.

10. Leverage Kenyan Remote Job Resources

  • Local Job Boards: Check Kenyan job boards such as BrighterMonday Kenya. They sometimes list remote jobs.
  • Networking Events: Attend local career fairs and networking events to meet potential employers and other professionals who might know of remote job opportunities.

Final Guide

When searching for remote jobs in Kenya, stay proactive and persistent. Focus on identifying your skills, building a strong online presence, and continuously improving through courses and certifications.

Make use of the top remote job platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr, and engage with professional networks on LinkedIn and social media.

Tailor your applications to highlight your remote work capabilities and be prepared for the unique challenges of remote work, such as time management and setting up a productive workspace.

Remember, the right opportunity may take time to find, so keep applying, networking, and improving your skills. Good luck!

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