5 Key Tools and Skills You Need To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

When you get these skills and tools right, you will make so much money with Affiliate Marketing that you will have to paste my name on your office wall as a source of light to your finances; but please make sure you put that of your state Governor first.

Most people are already damped with the popular and, of course, cheap assumption that affiliate marketing is the cheapest business on earth but that is one of the scariest affiliate marketing myths of the 21st century.

These lies are sponsored by same affiliate marketer who intend to get you into clicking on their affiliate links, and that make up a sizeable amount of fraud and corruption that will soon consume the earth.

Nobody is interested in writing or creating video reviews about genuine platforms, open-source software and even legitimate work by other companies who are yet to employ affiliate marketing as part of their marketing strategies.  

I call this an innovative loophole, but it should be a sound need for businesses to embrace affiliate marketing models as means of increasing reach and sales. Also, I call on my fellow affiliate marketers (and you who is probably about to hop in) to start promoting contents, platforms, software and services based on their merit, how important and helpful they are to humanity and for processes.

Doing the opposite strips, the innovation off its potency.  

Charlie, if you get these three (3) skills and tools right then get ready to chill with big boys. One thing you should not forget is that our goal at Jobreaders is to help you learn.

Why are we Sharing These with You?

As an eLearning platform and a community of nation builders, we believe that getting many youths to create wealth leveraging technology will help Africa and people from other developing nations to advance both their political, economic and life prosperity entirely.

Think about this, someone earning $1000 to $5000 monthly or weekly will not easily be utilized as a political thug or electoral disruptor. Have that in mind that this course is designed to make sure you stand.

So, do not steal our content. Rather head back to our website at www.jobreaders.org, copy any of the courses (even this one) share it among your friends and families. The little you spend is part of what is keeping us.

Jobreaders is not a project as usual but something intentional to ensure that we make our world a better place to dwell.

That said, let’s look into the skills and tools that are needed to make you a super affiliate partner that will not be rejected by any platform; and the skills that will help you walk boldly to your bank without the fear of being called a Yahoo or internet fraudster.  

Page Building and Automation Tools/Skills

The world has advanced so much that what separates a wealthy person from the poor is the number of activities he or she can automate daily, hourly and in seconds.

Recall how you saw our advert, you paid with thousand of others who are currently studying this work now; but I’m no longer there with you. Yet you can feel my emotions, read through my mind and understand how I reason. That is the power of automation.

You must be able to automate processes such as emails (predominantly), be able to build pages such as sales pages, blog accounts and other online profiles such as YouTube Accounts.

Page Building: This is how you can be able to write down your offers, experience or describe a product (you can as well pay people to get this done). This is because as an affiliate marketer you should never rely solely on social media. It is a rented apartment and the landlord can send you packing any time.

Pages in this case include sales pages, blog pages, blog posts, landing pages for your advertising etc. You don’t need to worry about how to do all these things.

When you follow the Workbook that accompany Jobreaders $7-Figire Affiliate Marketing Blueprint you will be practically guided to know when and how to employ these skills.

If you can do these already, keep going. You are already 50% qualified to make money with these types of affiliate marketing.

Automation Tools/Skills: after building pages, making videos (as you will be learning here) and all that, you need to figure out a way to send your work to tens, hundreds and thousands of people without literally sending to each person.

There is software that can help you automate emails to reach millions of people, and when they get to see your landing page, you will be able to get them to pay you without even being there to negotiate because your pages, your emails and your payment gateways are ready doing the job for you.

What tool do I need to Do all these?

Based on our sincere experience, there is only one software that can help you achieve this. With this special software, you will e able to set up:

  1. A Webinar (which is a powerful seller)
  2. Bulk email sending and automation
  3. Landing Pages
  4. Personal and Websites (just name it)

And one fascinating thing about this software is that the pricing start with just $15 per month. It has a free trial period but if you’re signing up to start your affiliate marketing business do not rely on the free version as you will not get all the features needed to follow up with the tutorials in this course.

You can upgrade to, at least, the basic plan that charges you just $15 per month; but instead of yearly you can pay for a month for the purpose of mastery before you dare apply for their affiliate program.

Data Analysis and Digital Advertising Skills

Data analytic software help you figure out what people are searching online (what exactly they are searching for, and how many people searching for various things). Getting your analysis right and having these special data called keywords will help you approach any adverting online.

Digital advertising on the other hands is a means of reaching out to millions of people by paying social media or search engines such as Google, yahoo/Bing to list your link (it may be link to your ecommerce store, landing page or your affiliate products as the case is likely to be).

Guys, there is nowhere to run to.

If you cannot run adverts for your own business, affiliate business or even your political ideologies and religious beliefs then you need to travel back to 19th century.

That’s no joke. To succeed in any business in our time and make the number of millions you need, there are millions of potential buyers out there who are hungry for any products you have to sell.

How we sell affiliate products such as online courses, eBooks, Website Facilities, Email and other marketing software is by running ads on Facebook, Google and other platforms.

To do this effectively, we use some special software that help us discover what people are searching online. It is called keyword analysis, and the tools used are called keyword tools.

So, before you jump into running adverts on Facebook, google or any other digital platform, you need this software to figure out who needs what you are selling and the number of people who need them.

Again, do not worry about all these, the subsequent sections practically deal with all these and you can watch videos on how you can apply this same method to make create massive income in dollars.

Ability to Create Information Product

Lastly, you must be able to create knowledge products around any affiliate product your intent to promote (that is what promotion implies).

Traditionally, to do affiliate marketing you are charged with the role of telling other about that particular products or service.

Assuming you get approval to become an affiliate marketer with this software that offers you $100 for any product you sell; how do you intend to get others to buy the product?

Maybe you’ll go about telling your friends, your classmates or even your family.

But hey, these are software designed for small, medium and large-scale business. Your friends, family and even your classmates (if you’re a student) may not have any need for this software.

What do you do?

This is where there is need to create information product.

Information products are those contents that are created to educate, inform or to explain a situation, person or product.

Example: eBook, YouTube Video, Online Courses, Blog Posts, Social media Posts, email Post etc. this is why Youtuber and blogger spend their entire life creating information products (making blog posts, creating YouTube videos etc.) about products and services that they do not own.

Those contents they create are called information products and that is how they get people to know and like what they promote.

Once people sign up, purchase or start the products (such as websites, Apps etc.) using the link they always ask you to click, they get paid as affiliate marketers.

Same with us here at Jobreaders. Some of the links we leave here are from our affiliate partners and once you start using them (even though we offer you discounts) we will be paid by the company for helping them get you to use their platform.

NOTE: There is nothing wrong with affiliate marketing. We only preach that people should recommend platforms and products to you based on how the products should help you and not just due to how much they will be paid.

To you who is about to become an affiliate marketer, we expect you to play by this same rule of only recommending software, platforms and apps based on your experience and its value to humanity.

Do not be so self-centered that you forget to study a product before recommending to others.

NB: Not all the platforms and products shares in this module is from our affiliate partners, and even those from our partners are tested and proven giant and the best you can get anywhere.

 Feel free to readthrough again, and do not hesitate to leave a comment on the comment section (if it is activated).