Earning a living is not just enough when one decides to embark on a lucrative livestock farming business, anywhere in the world, judging from the potentials buried in the business ventures. It’s more of an industrial space than personal venture, for subsistence.
From any corner of the world, one can start up a farm and turn over, in fractions of one year, depending on the strategies put in place, and ideas than run the business.
These reasons make it very precious to pay rapt attention to the tips and resources provided in this article. The recent virus spread is another signal that the globe will raise for healthier foods and other nutrient sources, in the nearest future. Also, countries are setting their priorities, to maintain internal sustainability and improve export values.
To remain positioned to benefiting from the global economy and earning “not just enough”, one should either consider information services through technology or agriculture.
The notion that the demand for livestock will continue to soar is an indication that if there is the best time to invest in Agro businesses, it is now. Livestock farming is one among the fundamental forces to enrich farmers all over the world.
The Farming Processes
Understanding this tutorial on the lucrative farming approaches, one needs to properly align with the requirements for livestock farmers, what it takes, and what makes it profitable.
This study, however, is not limited to any country, own livestock or level of investment. Instead, open for prospects, investors and farmers who see through the rising demands and need to bridge the economic gaps in the industry.
Meanwhile, this post does to discuss, generally, farming processes but as it related to livestock farming. It is only to teach the secrets for lucrative farming practices, what most stakeholders use to have.
Lucrative Livestock Farming
Farming is effective agricultural practices and a business venture that has always proven successful in replacing most old aged drivers of nations’ economies. In the nearest future, agriculture will take the places of crude oil in most African and other countries.
The myths that once portrayed agriculture as an old fashioned profession has been beaten with positive results from different major financial stories of many countries in the world, including Malaysia.
Agricultural proceeds from many developed nations have been reported to have boosted the GDPs of these nations with incredible percentages.
And the lucrativeness of one’s livestock farming processes largely depends on the ability of the business to produce an admirable return on each investment; which is what our guided here stand to offer.
Practically assuring, going through the guides in this article, and taking a look at our Livestock Farming blueprint, is enough to guide (even newbies) to starting and growing massive wealth in livestock farming, from any country in the world, with or without initial capital.
What is Livestock Farming?
Instead of growing crops and preparing seeds (as part of the most popular farming processes), another best agro-business is the subject matter; livestock farming in small medium and or large scales.
It is pastoral farming that focuses on the production of livestock for industrial and other consumption purposes, such as dairy farming. And as is customary, agriculture is in different classes, as was mentioned in the definition paragraphs.
Previously, the African Business Classroom published an article on the most profitable livestock farming in Nigeria; and having agreed with the list for most African countries, they made it to this guide.
It was an article published to showcase the list of profitable livestock farming, and having considered the information aligning to the focus on this content, and we list them as follow:
- Fish Farming
- Snail Farming
- Cattle Farming
- Rabbit Farming
- Goat Farming
- Pig Farming
Poultry Farming These, of course, could not represent the entirety of livestock farming and how lucrative it is over many countries and regions. But picks from the top and most demanded end products and their animal sources.
These livestock ventures suggest businesses spaces that are yet fully harnessed in most parts of the world, irrespective of their potentials.
Note: the scope of this journal may not cover the complete details of most of this livestock business, but we have made individual business insight into all the practices listed, and we are to link back to them in due time.
The main objective of this post is to expose prospects to opportunities within the farming career, and we are to achieve them before the final full stop.
Livestock Farming Ideas
Before venturing into viable businesses, anywhere in the world, prospects should examine a couple of factors and study the outcomes of previous business ventures.
These ideas and factors to examine for a successful livestock business include:
- The Livestock Market in ones’ country or community
- The cost of startup
- Risk level and
- Available resources
In this section, we are concerned with what you need to know before setting up a livestock farming could business, and how it may affect different classes of farmers from different parts of the world.
The Livestock Market: This is an extensive-angle to explore, but due to the high volume of demand for good protein (animal sources) around the world, it is always ever-green with regards to the profitability of the industry. This market size is irrespective of the size of the startup or existing livestock farm.
Related Content: The Evolution of Agriculture and Roles you can Play Lucratively
So, farmers are not to worry about the demand, the salability of livestock products and other market forces, rather focus on optimizing cost in the farming process for profit sake.
What this suggests is that livestock farming outputs are highly demanded from various other sectors, placing it at a viable edge for farmers’ interests.
The cost of starting up a Livestock Farm: in my country home, I still recall helping my mum with a few hundreds of poultries. This temporal poultry farming business always came up a few months to the Christmas, when the demands for fowls will be on the increase.
And I bet you, it paid off and will continue to pay off. With about N15, 000 worth of DAY OLD chick, one can raise extra N300, 000 from poultry farming in three months. Of course, this is only possible with the optimized feeding methods that we teach in our Poultry Farming Blueprint.
In our general Livestock Farming Blueprint, we do not just make estimations based on assumptions, but practically tested factors and outcomes from previous farming processes.
Our farming Blueprints contain professional guides to several farming businesses and estimates that will help one start and build a very lucrative livestock farming business anywhere around the world.
Availability of Resources: Generally, resources and their availability contribute to the rise or fall or most entrepreneurs. For instance, the poultry farming I gave as an instance will favour the farmer who can produce the types of poultry feeds that we teach in the blueprints.
One, it costs the cost of feeding the animals and also helps you supply with the right proportion of the required nutrients for their growth. Aside from these and others, such as financial resources, many farmers find it difficult to make the right specimen choices while selecting the species for their farming businesses. We believe that with these correct addresses, one can venture into forming and make lucrative ends.
Farming and the National Economy
Governments of most developed countries have enforced and reaped from supportive agricultural policies and attributes of lucrative farming practices. Nations with other sources of incomes are advised to adopt agriculture as a great, favourable alternative; because if its capacity to promote national sustenance and maintain commendable food chain.
In times of global recession, agriculture could also save nations from inflation through support to export forces. This is why, from the onset of this article, we show support for any scale of livestock production; be it small, medium and large scale productions.
In Nigeria, for example, several supportive measures have been introduced by the Central Banks, to support farming and agricultural investments.
A nation with over 200 million inhabitants used to only depend on crude oil; but not re-navigating to other income sources for the country. Hopefully, agriculture will gain embraces before 2023, and a reasonable increase in the export values too.
In other nations too, there have been intensified career revolutions which always turn up to favour technology and agriculture. It is another scenario that redefines the stand and place of farming soon, and the opportunity to take a path in various agro careers.
How to Raise Money for Livestock farming
Raising money for agriculture as a sole proprietor should take the same format and advised for any startup. Willing financial institutions are ready to offer loans for business that have a clear vision of their ventures. Still, there are other alternatives for livestock farmers who are just starting up.
Loans and family Support: To start any business without personal funds, the best alternative should be family and friends loan. These are people and institutions that may understand with farmers when the return on investment delays to producer evidence.
And aside from mortgage, families and friends can show enough voluntary support that can start up a livestock farming business, depending on the scale as we have always reiterated.
Loans from Commercial Banks: commercial and Microfinance banks are willing to offer loans for businesses with clear plans for their ventures; be a startup or existing companies. For agricultural practices such as livestock farming, obtaining these loans can be much more comfortable with a well-written business plan.
Business Plan for Livestock Farming
The ability to raise loans for businesses startup such as livestock farming practices, and other agro-business, maybe one of the primary reasons most farmers go for experts’ business plans, but that is far from the truth.
Every business hopes for a profit scale; and frowns at losses and other higher risks. Going into business and scaling through these factors are only possible with precise business projections through business planning.
This could also attribute to why commercial banks and other financial institutions find it hard to give out loans to businesses without standard business plans to back up their verbal or written ideas.
For a well-written business plan on livestock farming, you can reach Jobreaders Team through mail: [email protected] Phone: +234-806-653-8123; One can also contact any of the site administrators for assistance, through the comment section below this post, for pricing, consultation and books on study materials on various farming Businesses.