How to create an account with barter by flutter wave

How to Open a Barter by Flutterwave Account (Simple Steps)

If you desire to make seamless payment online, you must learn how to open a barter by Flutterwave account, following these simple methods.

If you reside in Nigeria and other parts of Africa, you will understand that at the time of filling this guide, making payment online could actually be a struggle.

Barter by Flutterwave comes with lots of payment solutions that anyone who own an online business might find hard to ignore and this guide is tailored to help get your account running.

Opening a Flutterwave account is very simple, and you should be on your way to owning your own account in a few minutes.

Before you get started, however, you need to have the following documents ready for your KYC identification.

These documents are.

  • National ID card (or any valid means of identification)
  • Your date of birth
  • Bank verification Number

Once you have all these in hand, you are set to begin your account creation process. First thing you need to do is to go to the Sign Up page of Flutterwave by following this LINK.

Sign-Up Process

On the page, you’ll see a signup form for you to fill out. This form will include:

  • Full Name
  • Your trading Name
  • Email Address
  • How you heard of flutterwave
  • Referral code (if any)
  • Your password

 You need to check the box that says allow flutterwave to send promotional materials to your email, that’s if you want this.

You also need to check the box that states that you’ve gone through the terms and conditions. However, before doing this, it is advised that you go through all the terms and conditions written on the site.

Once you’re through with this stage of the sign-up process, click the button that says Get started.

After clicking the Get Started button, an email will be sent to your email account to confirm your sign up. Go to your Inbox and confirm your email address. Once you confirm your email address, you will be directed to a page where you need to pick the type of account you want to create.

You can pick either personal, business, merchant, Ngo, etc. Once this is done, you will be directed to your dashboard, here you will complete the last steps of your account creation process.

At this stage you will head over to your email inbox to complete your verification.

One you have the account verified, its time to move head over to other important setting that will make your account fully functional.

From here, all you need is a play around the platform to also follow the prompt that will aid you to completing your account set up.

Complete Account Verification

Next, you need to complete your account verification before you can be able to make use of your flutterwave account. These three steps are:

  1. You need to add a bank account.
  2. Upload Merchant information (your business information).
  3. Upload documentation/means of identification.

Once this is done, you can now have full access to the Flutterwave platform, make transactions, create cards, fund your wallets, etc.

Related Guides:

How to Create Payment Card with Flutterwave (Barter Card)

How to Send and Receive Money with Barter by Flutterwave

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