Explore the academic programs offered at Jimma University. This post would help you gain insights to programs offered in this institution.
Jimma University is one of the major foundations on which other higher institutions that have started the study and implementation of Business Process Re-engineering were built.
With the implementation of Business Process Re-engineering in July 2009, the faculty was changed to the college of engineering and technology and became one of six colleges in the university.
This arrangement led to the inclusion of three computing departments namely the Computer Science department, Information Science Department, and Information Technology departments into the college, making the total number of departments in the college to eight (8).
Most importantly, one of the biggest achievements of the college is the opening of a postgraduate program in the field of Sustainable Energy Engineering by 2010.
About the admission process for undergraduates;
Admission at the first-year level to all undergraduate full-time studies is processed and granted by the Office of the Registrar and college OSA.
Before we head to explore the admission requirements, in Jimma University, you can check out this 2021/2022 United Nations Regional Course in International Law- Ethiopia
Admission Requirements:
Before aspirants can be considered to secure a proper admission into the University, such aspirant must fulfill all the requirements below in this article;
Applicants must complete Preparatory School education and obtain the necessary pass marks in the Ethiopian University Entrance Examination (EUEE)
The applicants must be able to produce evidence proving the financial capacity to defray tuition expenses
Admission for students with Advanced Standing;
Note; Admission to all undergraduate degree programs with advanced standing level or post basic BSc program is processed and granted through the Jimma University Registrar and the concerned admissions office, providing that the respective Academic Commission approves it.
When do you apply for advanced standing admission?
Applicants must ensure before graduating from an institution of Higher Learning, qualified students may apply for advanced standing admission
Requirements for students with advanced standing admission
- Minimum CGPA of 2.00 up on graduation
- Working experience in the intended field of study
- Favorable recommendations from their employers
- Secured source of fund
- The screening mechanism of such students shall be devised by the University
Also, applicants should take note of this important information. Applicants registered in another recognized tertiary-level institution or programs may apply for advanced standing admission, provided the courses they have already taken are relevant to the courses offered by the Jimma University.
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*Graduates with B.Sc. may apply for Medical School, provided that they meet the special criteria sated by the college:
- If they can produce a letter of permission and recommendation from their employing Organization
- Eligible with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 on completing their first degree
Admission of Post Basic (post graduate students)
Post basic admission at Jimma University is measured based on the diploma level training, entrance exams, and certification of work experience.
Admission of Part- time Students in Jimma University
- Students aspiring to start a part-time program can be allowed to offer some of the regular undergraduates classes without having to go through difficulties or complications.
- This can be achieved only if the applicants meet the requirements set down by the university and also other terms and conditions attached to the program.
Admission Information
- Admissions to undergraduate programs of the institute from preparatory schools shall be based on completion of the preparatory program and obtaining the necessary pass marks in the Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination.
- Admissions may also be granted to students completing their secondary education in foreign countries on the basis of equivalent academic achievements that shall be determined by the Ministry.
General Registration Guidelines for enrollment in Jimma University
- Every student should register at the beginning of each semester in person, in order to keep the enrolment active
- The office of the registrar will conduct registration on a pre-arranged date and time
- Once the regular registration is over, there is a further two-day late/penalty registration period, unless otherwise specified by the university senate or institute academic commission
- A student who fails to register within the dates set for both normal and late registration are subjected to disqualification from the institute for at least one year
The Jimma University constitutes of different programs ranging from the university, colleges, masters, and post-graduate programs. This article has listed out the programs offered by the university and the colleges produced by the university.
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We have listed the programs in Jimma University, however for more insight, you can visit the school website
Institute of Health Sciences
- Undergraduate Programs
- MD in Medicine
- Dentistry
- BSc in Anesthesia
- Public Health
- BPharm. In Pharmacy
- BSc in Medical Laboratory
- Nursing
- Midwifery
- Environmental Health
- Graduate and Postgraduate Programs
- MPH in Epidemiology
- General Public Health
- Health Promotion and Behaviors
- Health service Management
- Reproductive Health
- Adult Health Nursing
- Biochemistry
- Clinical Laboratory Science (specialty in Clinical Chemistry)
- Laboratory Science (specialty in Hematology & Immunohematology)
- Laboratory Science (specialty in Laboratory Management)
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Environmental Health Science
- Environmental Science& Technology
- Health Monitoring & Evaluation
- Human Anatomy
- Human Nutrition
- Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health
- Maternity Health Nursing
- Medical Microbiology
- Parasitology
- Medical Physiology
- Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance & Regulatory affairs
- Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management
- Ph.D. in Applied Ecology
- Environmental Health
- Health Communication & Health Behavior
- Nutrition
- Reproductive Health
- Tropical and Infectious disease
- Pharmaceuticals Science
- Specialty Certificate in endodontics and operative dentistry
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthodontics
- Sub Specialty Certificate in Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
- Pediatrics Surgery
- Pediatric Oncology
Jimma University Institute of Technology
A. Undergraduate Programs
- BSc in Architecture and Urban Planning
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering
- Information Science
- I.T.
- Material Science Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Software Engineering
Water Supply & Engineering
B. Graduate and Postgraduate Programs in Jimma University
- MSc in Bio-Instrumentation
- Bio-Medical Imaging
- Ceramics Engineering
- Communication Engineering
- Computer Networking
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Control and Instrumentation Engineering
- Electrical computer Engineering
- Electrical Power Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Highway Engineering
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Information Technology
- I. Science (Electronics & Digital Resource Management)
- Information Science (Information & Knowledge Management)
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Material Science Engineering
- Mechanical Systems Design
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Polymer Engineering
- Process Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Sustainable Engineering
- Thermal Systems Engineering
- PhD in Metallurgical Engineering
- Ceramic Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Material Science Engineering
- Mechanical Design
- Polymer Engineering
- Sustainable Engineering
- Thermal Engineering (EECBP)
- Water Resource Engineering
- Power Engineering
- Communication Engineering
- Information Science
College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
A. Undergraduate Programs
- BSc in Plant Science
- Horticulture
- Agricultural Economics
- Animal Science
- Food Science and Post-Harvest Technology
- DVM in Veterinary Medicine
- BSc in Natural Resources Management
- Rural Development and Agricultural Extension
B. Graduate and Postgraduate Programs
- MSc in Animal Production
- Animal Breeding & Genetics
- Animal Nutrition
- Natural Resource Management
- Specialization in Watershed Management
- Forest and Nature Management
- Wildlife and Ecotourism Management
- MSc in Horticulture
- Agriculture (Specialization in Soil Sciences)
- Agronomy
- Plant Pathology
- Breeding
- Plant Biotechnology
- Agricultural Entomology
- Weed Science
- Plant Protection
- Postharvest Science and technology
- Postharvest Management
- Food Science and Technology
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Gender and Rural Development
- Agribusiness & Value Chain management
- Agricultural Economics
- Rural Development and Agricultural extension
- Rural Development and Environment
- Veterinary Epidemiology
- Public health
- Veterinary Microbiology
- Animal Biotechnology
- Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics
- Postharvest Technology
- Food Science and Technology
- Horticulture
- Plant Pathology
- Agronomy
- Plant Breeding
- Animal Nutrition
- NRM (Specialization in Biodiversity Management)
- NRM (Specialization in Climate change Adaption & Mitigation)
- Rural Development and Agricultural Extension
- Specializing in Agricultural and Rural Innovation
- Agricultural and Rural Policy
- Environmental Sustainability
College of Natural Science
A. Undergraduate Programs
- BEd in Biology
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Sport Science
- BSc in Biology
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Sport Science
- Statistics
B. Graduate and Postgraduate Programs
- Applied Microbiology
- Ecology & Systematic Zoology
- Botanical Sciences
- Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
- Analytical Chemistry
- Applied Entomology
- Organic Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Astrophysics
- Condensed Matters Physics
- Nuclear physics
- Quantum Optics and Information Physics
- Statistical Physics
- Mathematics (Differential Equation)
- Mathematics (Numerical Analysis)
- MSc. in Mathematics (Functional Analysis)
- Biostatistics
- Sport Management
- Football Coaching
- Athletics Coaching
- Mathematics (Numerical Analysis)
- Mathematics (Differential Equation)
- Applied Microbiology
- Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
- Wildlife and Ecology Management
- Physics (Nuclear Physics)
- Physics (Condensed Matters)
- Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)
- Chemistry (Organic Chemistry)
College of Social Science and Humanities
A. Undergraduate Programs
- Afan Oromo & Literature
- English Languages Literature
- Amharic Languages & Literature
- Geography & Environmental studies
- History & Heritage Management
- Media and Communication Studies
- Music
- Oromo Folklore & Literature
- Social Anthropology
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Theatre Arts
- BA in Visual Arts
- Afan Oromo & Literature
- English Languages Literature
- Amharic Languages & Literature
- Geography & Environmental studies
- History & Heritage Management
B. Graduate and Postgraduate Programs
- Afan Oromo Language & Literature (Teaching)
- Amharic Language & Literature (Teaching)
- Applied Linguistics and Development Communications
- Applied Linguistics in Ethiopian Languages & Cultural Studies
- Broadcast Journalism
- Development Anthropology and Indigenous Knowledge
- Ethiopian Literature & Folklore
- History
- Intercultural Communications and Public Diplomacy
- Land Resource Analysis & Management
- Literature
- Oromo Folklore & Cultural Studies
- Print and Online Journalism
- Public Relations and Corporate Communications
- Social Anthropology
- Socio-cultural Linguistics
- Sociology of Family and Gender
- Sociology (Specialization in Social policy)
- Social Work
- Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL)
- Urban and Regional Development Planning
- Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing (GIS)
- History
- Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL)
College of Business and Economics
A. Undergraduate Programs
- Accounting & Finance
- Economics
- Management
- Banking and Finance
- Hospitality and Tourism
B. Graduate and Postgraduate Programs
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Project Management and Finance
- Public Management (MPM)
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Accounting and Finance
- Banking and Finance
- Development Economics
- Economics (Economic Policy Analysis)
- Industrial Economics
- Transport Economics
- Finance Economics
- Industrial Economics
- Management
College of Education and Behavioural Sciences
A. Undergraduate Programs
- Psychology
- Special Needs and Inclusive Education
- Educational Planning & Management
B. Graduate and Postgraduate Programs
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Educational leadership
- Educational Psychology
- Counseling Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Early Childhood Care and Education
- Social Psychology
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Psychology (specializing in Counseling psychology)
- Psychology (specializing in Educational psychology)
Pedagogical Certification Programs
- Teaching Physics
- Chemistry
- English
- Afan Oromo
- Sport Science
- Mathematics
- Biology
Other Training
- Instructional Skills
- Continuous Assessment
- Active Learning and Teaching Approach
- Module Writing Training
- English Language Skills for Academic and non-Academic Staffs
- Instructional Time and Classroom Management
- Action Research and its Roles
- Continues Professional Development
College of Law and Governance
A. Undergraduate Programs
- Governance and Development Studies
- Civics
- LLB in Law
B. Graduate and Postgraduate Programs
- Commercial and Investment Law
- Human Rights and Criminal Law
Construction Law
- MA in Governance & Development Studies
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