Accredited Colleges at Debark University (Tuition and Admission Guides)

Explore the Colleges at Debark University, their admission procedure and requirements. This is a great opportunity to update the young people and scholars with detailed information on how to submit an application for admission whenever the school is admitting.

Though this post is not restricted to a particular set of people or individual, but to anyone who may need information from here, for whatever reason. Debark University was established in the year, 2007, it is among the new generation university, located at Debark town, North Gonder zone.

The town is a tourist centre both for the national and international tourist, who wish to explore every tourist avenue in the town.

Not just that it is a tourist centre, but also a very good environment for study, for scholars.

The under-listed are the 4 colleges in Debark University;

  • College of Natural and Computational Science
  • College of Business and Economics
  • College of Agriculture and Environmental Science
  • College of Social Science

Related Post: Top Universities in Canada With No Application Fee for International Students.

The College of natural and computational science

The college is one of the best colleges in the university, this college formally kicked off its activities in the year 2010, in Debark University.

The college consists of six BSC degree awarding departments to include; Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Computer science and Statics.

In the year 2011, the college launched information technology (IT) department.

 The college of natural and computational sciences is well organized and highly equipped also to give you the best kind of training that will make you astounding in any of your chosen department. 

In the area of research, the college is doing very well, with their systematic way of research within and outside the community, all this is designed to give the students the best

The college has about 81 lecturers with 9 laboratory assistants to include 2 secretaries and messengers, 396 regular students, 117 extensions and 56 summer student in computer science and 129 summer student in the IT department.

Totally under CNCS, there are 698 students (DKU registrar office, for student data.

The vision of the College

The vision of the college is to excellently impact the student with the best of knowledge that will make them compete with the best of the world, in the areas of science and technology, research and community services in science.

Also to make the college one of the best Centre in teaching and learning.

The mission of the college

The mission of this college is to adequately impact on the student who is committed to learning with the best of knowledge that will distinguish them in the field of applied science and technology.

This to enable them to contribute immensely to the socio-economic development of nations across the world.

College of Social Science

The college is also one of the unique colleges of the university. It is very organized in its own way.

Basically, the college is championed towards actualizing the aims and objectives of the institution; such as teaching-learning, research and community engagement.

Debark, generally “the Semien”, where the university is based, is well recognised for its high level of agricultural practice, qualitative tourist attraction places, together with undiluted culture; and the university is seeking to excel in these aspects, and the college of social sciences is so desirous to outshine in the humanistic elements.


The College of Social Sciences currently consist of six departments-English Language and Literature, Geography and Environmental Studies, History and Heritage Management, Civics and Ethical Studies, Psychology, and Law; and with these departments, the college is running BA/BSC.

Courses in Regular, Extension, and summer programs.


DepartmentNumber of StaffAcademic Rank.
Bachelors of Art
Masters of Art
English language and literature18216
Geography and Environmental Studies1010
History and Heritage Management1010
Civics and Ethical Studies14311
Admin. Staff2
The college has a total of 69 staff members ( including 7 teachers pursuing their PhD and M.A studies

The College of Agriculture and Environmental Science

The college of Agriculture and environmental science is also one of the College in Debark University.

The college was established recently, just in 2017 with about 20 academic staff, highly trained to deliver to the student the quality education in the field of agriculture.

The college of Agriculture and environmental science is consist of five different under-listed departments, namely; 

  • Animal Science Department
  • Agricultural economics Department
  • Natural resources management Department
  • Horticulture Department
  • Plant Science Department

Currently, the college is running five undergraduate programs.

In the 2019/2020 academic year, the college has 51 academic staffs working consistently (3 lab assistants – 3 males and 48 lecturers having a second degree – 37 males and 11 females, among those 4 of them are doing their PhD study and the other one is doing MSc degree.

The 2019/2020 data reveals that the college also has535 undergraduate students in five departments. 

The college didn’t stop at that.

Apart from teaching and learning, they are also making a great impact in the areas of research and community services to address some of the major challenges facing the community such as; 

Sustainable Agricultural Productivity for Food and Nutrition Security

Crop production improvement, protection and management (Short, Medium and Long term)

· Enhancing farm animal performance

· Natural resource management and environmental protection

· Agro-business and value chain development

· Eco-tourism development and biodiversity conservation 

· Biodiversity conservation

· Eco-system service analysis

· Tourism development and management

· Wildlife protection, health and management

· Tourism and hospitality management

· The list of the services the college renders to the community are as follows;

· Training Service

· Consultancy service

· Partnership

· Centre-based Community Service activities

· Veterinary services, clinical services,

· Watershed development and management service

The vision of the college

The vision of the college is to take agricultural production to the next level and to fully elevate the college as a full-fledged centre for highland agriculture in the university


The mission of the college is to boost agricultural production in the various agricultural sectors to ensure food security and self-sufficiency through the following measures;

· Teaching and research activities in the field of agriculture.

· Generating knowledge and producing skilled manpower with their ethics across the departments.

· Offering tailor-made training and consultancy services for those involved in the field of agriculture.

· Improving the quality of living of the society by supplying surplus production by maximizing productivity and maintaining natural resources.

College of Business and Economics

This college is one of the colleges that made up the four colleges of the University. It was established in the year 2017.

Its establishment aims to actualize the vision of the University, it is born out of great desire to satisfy the overzealous hunger to train business expert that will positively influence the society in the various field of business ventures.

The college officially kicked off in 2017/18 academic secession with about 425 regular students in a degree program, in Accounting and Finance, Management, Economics and Tourism and Hotel Management.

The college launched another undergraduate program on Marketing Management in 2018 thereby making it the fifth economic department in the college.

The college is well equipped with a very good number of academic staff numbering up to 48 academic staffs.

They also admit up 1,025 students in all their program, out of which, 713 in regular programs while 312 in the continuing education program. They also offer a HERQA accredited curriculum in five undergraduate programs.

 The vision of the College

The college is so desirous of attaining a great height, to become one of the top choice business and Economic colleges by providing quality education, technology transfer, and community services within Ethiopia and beyond.


The mission of the college is to impact the people with a sound education that will distinguish them, in different business, finance economics, marketing and tourism field thereby giving the requisite insight to contribute socio-economic development of the nation and beyond.

Tuition fee 

The tuition fee of the University varies, it depends on the choice of your course that is why it is advisable for any potential student, aspiring to study in this school to contact these number

Phone +251584176010

mail [email protected] for further enquiry.

School website

Academic Calendar

The University operates on the two-semester calendar of seventeen weeks, for regular and extension students (fifteen weeks of classes and practical’s and two weeks of the exam).

While the summer education programs operate on terms bases.

It is the duty of the University registrar and alumni directorate to prepare the academic calendar each year, subject to approval by the University senate.

Undergraduates Admission Process

Any potential student seeking undergraduate admission into Debark University must have completed his/her preparatory secondary education and obtain all the required mark in the Entrance examination to be eligible to enrol.

Placement of all regular undergraduates are program is done through the ministry of education.

Choosing the criteria for admission and enrollment into all undergraduate, continuing and distance study program is done by the unit concerned, this they do by consulting the offices of continuing and distance education (CDE) subject to confirmation by the university senate. 

While admissions and enrollments to all programs are carried out by the registrar in consultation with the various concerned academic units.

Student Admission procedure    

In, Debark University, It is the duty of the office of the registrar to process admission.

While the whole activities involved is performed with the aid of the Student Information Management system (SIMS) software program. The under-listed are the activities involved.

  • Admission
  • Registration
  • Record-keeping and academic status determination,
  • Add/drop cases
  • Certification of graduates
  • Awarding of degrees and so on.
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